Category Archives: Expert Positioning

Expert Positioning (as Columnist to Kuier magazine) takes me to television

It gives me great pleasure to announce that I’ll be featured on the television programme: “Kollig” tomorrow (Tuesday evening, 22 July 2014) at 21h00. It was a huge compliment to be contacted by Moenier telling me that they would like to feature me (Kuier Coach) on this great program.  I immediately said yes and a few days later I received the shooting schedule and the date on which the shoot would take place.                                                                     I have a new-found respect for television producers, presenters and their whole team. We often switch on our televisions to watch our favourite programme and forget about the hours of work that goes into a recording.

kollig logo

Thank you Kollig-team                                                                                                                                                   I would like to thank the Kollig-team: Moenier Hendricks, Denver S. Vraagom, JP, Martin Gouws and the rest of the team. I am impressed with your level of professionalism and the manner in which you have executed your task.  Such professionalism is hard to find these days.  Thanks again.  Keep up your great work.

Thank you Kuier magazine                                                                                                                                           It is an absolute honour to contribute as Columnist to Kuier magazine; something that I’ve been doing for the last three years – without missing a deadline. Thank you to Kay, Raylentia, and the rest of the Kuier-team and to the wonderful readers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     007

Thank you Riverlea Secondary School                                                                                                                 A part of the recording was done at Riverlea Secondary School, a school that I’ve worked with for a few years. I presented a talk to the learners. Judging by the feedback, they are hungry for more. I have been asked to come back on a regular basis, because the learners are dealing with so many challenges. Some of them are having difficulties at home, while it is also difficult to grow up in an environment where one is surrounded by various social ills.                                                                                                                                                                                             My message to the learners included the importance of goals, setting them and working hard at achieving them. Because I am from a similar background, I could tell them that their background doesn’t have to be the reason why they decide to quit. In fact, they could push themselves, accomplish their goals and be an inspiration to others one day, because of where they come from.

Please support this initiative at Riverlea Secondary School                                                                One of the objectives of The Empathy Foundation, NPO 070-849, is entrepreneurship. As a result, we’ll be presenting various training programs at the school. I believe that it is important that we equip learners with skills that would allow them to find their feet after school and to find ways of making things happen for themselves, especially those who would not be able to study further.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       We hope to, in future, roll out our training programs at more schools.                                               Should your organisation be interested in supporting this initiative, contact me (Andeline) for more information and about the benefits to you or your organisation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             To visit the Facebook page of The Empathy Foundation, see this link:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Empathy Foundation doing its bit in honour of Madiba Day                                                         Delphine and I delivered 67 loaves of bread and copies of Kuier magazine to Lodewyk P. Spies Home for the elderly in Eersterust, Pretoria (18 July 2014).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   See this link for more images:               


From left to right: Andeline Williams-Pretorius (Founder) and Delphine van Wyk (office bearer and Empathy Angel extraordinaire).

Expert Positioning; if I could do it with so many odds that seemed to be against me, and then anyone can. I’ll soon be able to add a wonderful new chapter to my journey of Expert Positioning.  I will share more information about this new chapter soon.

Keep dreaming, keep doing and do not quit.

Writing and Publishing your book is as easy as 1, 2, 3

Are you knowledgeable about a particular subject matter? Do you dream of sharing that knowledge with others by becoming a published author? Well, now you have no more excuses, because YOU CAN. You’ll be amazed at what being a published author could do for you on your journey of expert positioning, provided that you do things right.

I present a public workshop in which I guide participants through the process, but also present the information in the form of a one-on-one coaching session.  During my presentation, I focus on important steps to consider on your book writing and publishing journey, as well as on the mistakes that many aspirant authors make and how you could avoid such mistakes.                                                                                                                                                           I regularly receive enquiries from aspirant authors who need help with regards to tailoring their manuscript to a particular audience. This is one of the things that should be considered at the very beginning and could save you a lot of time.

One new author came to me about two years ago and asked me to assist them on their PR journey with getting publicity for their book.  It is always wonderful to take on a new client and the fact that this person had identified me as the go-to person, was a wonderful compliment. However, I had to decline, because when I read their book, I wasn’t sure who they thought their audience were. There were “cartoonish” illustrations in the book and when you combine that to the font size, I got the feeling that the book was suitable for children, between 7 and 11 years old. However, there was a serious love theme that I thought was inappropriate to children of that age group. There were also a number of spelling errors. The overall book had a beautiful cover and it generally looked great.

I unfortunately had to decline the request to help promote the book for obvious reasons and suggested that they made the necessary changes, before I consider.  Well, this was not received very well.

I want to see more published authors                                                                                                                   I want to see more published authors and I want to guide more people on their journey. Therefore I decided to share a few important steps with you (with a brief outline). It will save you a lot of time, trouble and money.  I hope that you’ll find them helpful.

Planning                                                                                                                                                                                    You have to plan your book. If you neglect this step, you could end up with a product that would be considered as not good enough.

Pre-writing                                                                                                                                                                              During this stage you make notes about what it is that you want to write about, decide what you want to focus on in each chapter and elaborate on that.

Revising                                                                                                                                                                                  During the revising stage, you may feel the need to add things of even take some things away. This process leads to your final manuscript, before the proofreading stage.

Proof-reading                                                                                                                                                                          Every manuscript that you complete should be proof-read. It is also advisable to find someone who is qualified to do proof-reading and editing to do this.

Publishing                                                                                                                                                                          Who will publish your book? Will you self-publish, be published by a national publishing house or will you publish your book on Kindle? What are the steps when it comes to these options?

Presenting                                                                                                                                                                            This relates to the published copy of your book. What does it look like? Where will you sell your book? How to get free publicity? This includes interviews on radio, television and being featured in a magazine or newspaper.

And hopefully…

Profiting                                                                                                                                                                                How much money you make from your book, has a direct link to the above steps. However, if you are a celebrity or have a public image, you may be able to sell more copies of your book.  Best wishes on your journey.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     My journey of Expert Positioning started when I was in grade  3                                                         Over the last few days, I’ve been looking at old photos and came across so many beautiful memories, captured in some of those photos. Among these were a newspaper article and a photo taken during the launch of my first book, entitled: Sukses, jou keuse (Success, it’s your choice). The occasion dates back to 2003. I was still living in my beautiful hometown: George. Wow! What a journey?

Andeline book launch - cropped image

The launch of my first book that I have self-published.  The date was Tuesday, 04 March 2003 and I was still living in my beautiful hometown: George, in the Southern Cape.  With me is Robert, a winner of a copy of my book.

I look back and I remember the time when my book-dream started. I always loved writing and I remember when I was in the third grade, I wrote a beautiful poem, entitled: My ouma se kat (Grandma’s cat). I also drew a beautiful picture of a ginger-coloured cat next to the poem. I was very impressed with my work, but when I showed it to my friends, they loved at me and some asked me: “Who do you think you are?…”
This question put me right back into my little corner of severe low self-esteem and I didn’t come out of that corner to show my poem to my mom or to my third grade teacher. They would have told me that it was beautiful and good. I never stopped writing, but since then I just stopped showing my work to friends – I just kept it to myself.

I was twenty-six years old when I started working on my self-esteem. And what a process that was? I remember revisiting all those incidents since childhood that led to me being diagnosed with low self-esteem, evaluating and recognising them as lies and putting the pain behind me. And after a personal growth and counselling course at Life Line, I knew that I was ready to get out there and pursue my speaking-dream. I started speaking at schools and later also at Correctional Services on a voluntary basis and mostly about self-esteem. That was a wonderful experience.

My book-dream                                                                                                                                                                 At age twenty-seven, my book-dream was born. Today I look back in amazement, because that was a time when not many people looking like me or with my kind of background were writing books. I think that I had a lot of guts – still do.

At first I was afraid to tell anybody about this dream. I always knew that I wanted to write a book, I just didn’t know what I wanted to write about.  And one day, I made the decision to start writing. I look back at that time and I see wonderful commitment. I mentioned to a few individuals that I was writing a book, and got a lot of negative responses, like: “You…really? Nobody would be interested in publishing your book, because you are not famous…”

Even though I was taken aback by such comments, I continued on my journey. I told myself that the people who doubt me just don’t know how hard I am working and they just do not know how determined I am. Apart from the discouraging comments, there were also positive and encouraging comments. And I learned about the importance of speaking to the right people – of not telling just everybody about my dreams, about what I am working on.

My book launch article

And I managed to secure publicity.  A newspaper article that appeared in the George Herald after the launch of my book.

I love books                                                                                                                                                                     The collection of books that I currently own could give birth to a mini library. From time to time, I also give books away for charity purposes, but it is always very difficult.  I look at the Psychology text books that I have used for my studies during previous years and I know that I can never sell them; while I often see advertisements of students who are selling their text books. I guess that this has something to do with my love for books.

I remember that my love for books is one that dates back to my childhood. My mom used to say that she wonders what I would do one day, because of my love for books and because I loved making my own picture books, using pictures from old magazines. What a pity that I no longer have those? It would have been nice to look back and see what exactly went on in my mind as a six, seven or eight-year old.

Today I love to guide others on their journey, because I believe that everyone could and should write a book.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I wish you well on your book writing and publishing journey.


Value your story. It could turn you into an Expert.

Do you have an inspirational life or business story? Do you think that if someone would read it in a magazine or newspaper that they would be inspired, that they would learn something or even have a few light bulb-moments? I’m certain that you do. There are many people like you; many people with powerful inspirational stories, but we do not necessarily get to hear those stories, get to read them or get to watch them on television.

And perhaps you think that the media would not be interested in telling your story. Perhaps you are telling yourself that that is because you are not a celebrity. If that is the case, now is a good time to throw those limiting thoughts out the window, because your story could be featured in a magazine, newspaper or on television. I was here too. I knew that I had an inspirational life story, one in which I had overcome many adversities, including severe low self-esteem and a lack of assertiveness. There are still those times when I look back and realise that where I am today, compared to where I come from, is an absolute miracle. And I always remember to be grateful for that.

Embrace your challenges                                                                                                                                      They are there to help you grow into the person that you were meant to become Challenges are certainly not nice and nobody would deliberately choose to have them. However, when you get to that stage where you realise that they are there to make you grow and to assist you with becoming a better version of yourself, it is quite possible for you to say to the next challenge that lands on your doorstep: “I am looking forward to discover the lesson within you, the lesson that I am supposed to learn from this and I am looking forward to growing into a better version of myself, because of you.” With that attitude, not challenge would paralyze you emotionally.

Ask the right questions                                                                                                                                        When you are experiencing a challenge, it is important to ask the right questions. I also deal with them in my training program, entitled: The Art of Letting Go. These include: What could this challenge mean, other than what I’m seeing right in front of me? This question would certainly open up so many possibilities. It would tell your brain to start looking for answers – the right kind of answers. This approach always works for me and it would work for you too. What can I learn, because of my current challenge? There is a lesson in every challenge, something that we are supposed to learn about ourselves, about other people and about our world at large. Remember those times when you had a bad experience, because you feel like people are using you when it is convenient for them to do so. However, when you need them, they are not around. Remember those times? Perhaps the lesson that you needed to learn, was that you needed to attach more value to yourself and what you do.

You have to be healed, to inspire                                                                                                                          Some people (including myself) have a painful life story with many challenges that they had to overcome. I sincerely believe that if your story falls in this category, that you need to be healed in order to inspire others. You can’t still be angry and bitter and want to get back at someone when you approach a media platform to tell your story. You have to be healed, to inspire, otherwise you’ll just spread poison. And even during those times when you feel that you want to feel angry for just a little while longer, make sure that you are mindful of the fact that sooner or later you have to put it behind you.


I mentioned in the previous Blog post the story about a mother of three who was interested in inspiring other single mothers. She basically felt like she had received the short end of the stick in her marriage and in her divorce from her husband. There was indeed great potential for what she wanted to do and how she wanted to use her life story, but it was clear that she wasn’t ready. She was still angry at her husband. And the majority of the anger that I had detected in her, was not so much in the things that she had said, but in the things that she didn’t say.

As a counsellor, one develops that skill to also listen for the things that are not necessarily verbally communicated. However, when I told her that it seemed to me as if she was still angry at her husband and that that was not the right foundation for the work that she wanted to do, she admitted that indeed, she was still angry and perhaps needed a little more time to deal with her anger emotions. I look at the work that I do today, and am amazed that majority of the good things that I do, things for the greater good, are as a result of painful experiences.

You too could turn your painful life or business story into something positive and powerful; into something that could add value to the lives of others. And if you do not know how to package your story for this purpose and to receive great publicity, speak to me. And if you still have emotional pain to work through and put behind you, I could assist with that as well. I’ve been on radio, television and in various magazines and newspapers, because I was able to turn a painful emotional life story into something positive and powerful. As a result I was able to establish myself as a Relationship Expert. I never thought that that would be possible.

You can do it too.

Yours in Expert Positioning.

Expert Positioning – If I Could Do It, Then You Can Too

Hello and welcome to my new Blog, entitled: Expert Positioning. My name is Andeline Williams-Pretorius and I plan on sharing valuable information with my readers, information that could assist with your journey of Expert Positioning.

But what is Expert Positioning?                                                                                                                            An individual or an organisation positions themself as an expert when they package their knowledge, experience or product in such a way that it stand out and get noticed. This ability to stand out makes it possible for others to acknowledge you as an expert in your field. The great thing about it, is that you are able to attach a higher fee to your services or products.

How do you position yourself as an Expert?                                                                                         There are a number of areas to explore when it comes to expert positioning.  These include the following:

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  • using your inspirational life-or business story to get great publicity,
  • standing out because of your hobby or talent,
  • the traditional route – an educational qualification,
  • brand building; and
  • entrepreneurship.

When breaking down the above, I have more than 70 methods (plus their how to’s) that you could use to position yourself as an expert in your field. This list is constantly growing, because I make it my business to speak to experts whom I admire to make sure that I constantly learn and grow to ensure that I give my clients the best.
I obviously share all these methods when I present my training program. However, for the purposes of this Blog post, I’ll share only two methods here.

1. Become an Author (write your book)                                                                                                       This is one of my absolute favourites. I sincerely believe that everybody has a story and that everybody should write a book, whether it is for commercial purposes or for personal use, like record keeping to leave a wonderful legacy. Holding the final product (your book) in your hand, is one of the most rewarding feelings there is.

Before you embark on your book writing journey, there are a few very important things that you need to consider. Writing a book requires commitment, focus, planning, and passion. It is perfectly okay if you start out not being exactly sure of how the story would progress and what the final copy would look like. For the first time writer, their book writing journey is often like a trip to an unknown destination – full of unexpected twists and turns.
Be open and receptive, because the ideas will come to you, often, when you least expect it. Keep pen and paper next to your bed, because you may wake up in the middle of the night with an idea that you know you cannot afford to forget. Write them down. Such ideas are real gems.

Planning your book                                                                                                                                                 Most new authors are in a hurry to get started and as a result, forget the very important planning stage. I once had a client who wanted me to assist them with getting publicity after they’ve published their book. Unfortunately, I had to turn this person away, because their book was full of errors and it seemed as if their manuscript had been nowhere near an editor.

I had time to review their book, before I had contacted them with this unfortunate news. I coulnd’t risk attaching my name to such a badly created product. I suggested that they make the necessary changes, including figuring out who they were actually writing for. This person didn’t appreciate my feedback and never came back.

Some of the questions (during the planning stage) that you have to reflect upon                

  • What do you want to write about?
  • Are you planning to write a novel or do you want to write a book in which you share your expertise with the reader?
  • Who is your audience? W would be interested in reading your book?
  • Do you have the time to sit down and commit to the writing process?
  • How many pages would you like to complete per day?
  • Who would do the editing of your manuscript?
  • Who would publish your book? Are you going to self-publish or do you want to get published by a national publishing house?
  • What are the pro’s and cons of self-publishing?
  • What are the requirements when it comes to getting published by a national publishing house?
  • And what about the Barcode (UPC) or EAN?

These are just some of the questions that you have to ask yourself when you plan to write your book. I focus on the rest, when I do training or during one-on-one coaching sessions. Enquiries are welcome.

Your book could take you places

  • Did you know that being a published author is something that gives you an immediate upgrade in how people view you?
  • Did you know that your book could secure you wonderful publicity?
  • Did you know that you could submit your book to the Department of Education to be considered for inclusion into the school curriculumn?
  • Did you know that being a published author, is one of the best ways to position yourself as an expert?
  • Did you know that you could make your book available on Kindle?

Getting published by a national publishing house. What publishers normally ask for.       When sending your proposal to a national publishing house, you have to include the following: A synopsis – short outline (not longer than one page) on what the book is about and the first three chapters.

This will give the publisher a good idea about your book and assist them with making their decision on whether to publish your book or not. Do your homework with regards to your audience and include this in your synopsis. It normally takes up to three months before you receive an answer.

Need help with preparing your proposal?  Contact me.

You too could receive wonderful publicity, after becoming a published author.

Another great thing that could happen after your book had been published, is that you could get a wonderful opportunity to share your expertise on radio or television. A number of experts have secured such an opportunity. However, your chances are much better when you have published a book – a good book.
During the first radio interview on RSG (about my book), the presenter / Producer mentioned that perhaps they needed to bring me back on a regular basis to talk about empathy and how we could implement it in all of our relationships. Well, this was a huge compliment and as they say: “the rest is history.”

I can now be heard on radio every Tuesday morning, between 09h00 and 10h00. Although I planned on sending a proposal to enquire about this, I didn’t have to. When preparing your proposal for radio, television or the printed media, remember to focus on how their followers: readers, listeners and viewers would benefit.
I am currently known as Empathy & Relationship Expert on SABC Radio: RSG for two years.

There is a lot more information that I deal with when focusing on this method: “Become an author.” However, I hope that this snippet gives you an idea of my passion to share real information with you, information that you would be able to use and implement.

2. Convince a reputable publication to tell your inspirational life- or business story           Before we are business owners, leaders or experts, we are individuals with a background; individuals with a life story. As business owners and those who are still dreaming about starting their own business, it is important to have a marketing strategy and to be able to re-invent ourselves. With so much competition out there, those who will make it are those who could master this.

Every organisation has to advertise their business at some stage; however, many small businesses cannot afford to pay exorbitant amounts in advertising fees. Thank goodness for social media, because it provides a fantastic platform for the small business to advertise their products or services.
However, getting publicity by means of a great article in a reputable publication, or hearing your name or your business’ name, or hearing your product gets mentioned on radio, is priceless. It provides fantastic publicity and credibility.


How do you do it when we do not have a marketing budget?
How do you do it when we are just a small business or an ordinary individual?
How do you do it when we are not a celebrity?


You need to package your inspirational life-or business story in such a way that the media cannot help but take notice. Do not underestimate the value of kindness, the value of treating journalists and producers in the way in which you would like to be treated.

The important things to consider, before contacting the media include that you have to know what your agenda is.

One of the most important things to remember, is to never approach the media with the soul agenda of self-promotion.
Remember, producers and journalists are clever people and they’ll see right through you if this is your agenda.
Yes, we want the publicity, but we need to focus on what we could do for their readers, their viewers or their listeners.
I recently spoke with someone who enquired about the how-to of getting good publicity. She is a divorced mother, raising four children. She is in a professional position and struggles to make ends meet. Her story about her painful divorce and caring for her children could make for a very inspirational one, because the majority of the key elements are there. These are: emotion, adversity, ability to inspire, ability to grow and teach.

Apart from having these key ingredients, she lacked one thing: the triumph. I detected that she was still not over the pain caused by her ex-husband. As a counsellor and as someone who is trained to also listen for those things that people do not say, I listened attentively and I could sense that her agenda was to use the media to “get back at her ex.” This was not on purpose and she was not aware of it. I pointed this out to her by asking a few difficult questions. She agreed that she wasn’t ready and perhaps needed to work on first letting go of the pain.

Never underestimate the value of your story, whether it is simply inspiration or whether you had overcome great adversity or emotional pain. You could turn that pain into something very powerful and positive, something that could contribute to the greater good of humanity.

Need guidance on how to package your story so that that media would take notice? Contact me.

Expert Positioning is a great way to ensure more an better visibility, stand out and grow your business. I had recently been found on the internet by a media house in Europe. They were interested in interviewing me and had asked me to assist with recruiting more interviewees. Long story short – it was wonderful to get paid in euros. As a result, I am definitely inspired to doing more business with overseas clients.

Expert Positioning – if I could do it with so many odds that seemed to be stacked against me, than anybody can.

People often ask me: “Andeline, how have you done it? Isn’t this the question that we mostly want answers to – even in other areas of our lives. “How?”, “How, do I do it?” In the next Blog post, I’ll share a snippet of my personal journey with expert positioning; a journey that I believe had chosen me.

Your questions and comments are welcome. Thank you.